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Monthly Archives: April 2024


Child Support Issues and Collaborative Solutions

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Life doesn’t stay the same, and as circumstances evolve post-divorce, an initial child support agreement may no longer adequately meet the needs of a child. If you are a Florida parent receiving child support payments and believe the amount should be higher, recognize that pursuing an increase doesn’t have to be synonymous with contentious… Read More »


Taking Time to Grieve When a Marriage is Ending

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Even in situations where both spouses agree to end a union and are cooperative in pursuing an uncontested divorce, the significant life change can still come with emotional turmoil. If you are separating in the state of Florida, recognize that it is normal to experience a grieving process as you navigate the complexities of… Read More »


Who Should Consider Getting a Prenup?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Getting married is entering an exciting chapter in one’s life, but it’s also a moment when you need to carefully consider the practicalities that come with merging two lives. Prenuptial agreements, also sometimes referred to as premarital agreements or prenups, are legal documents that can play a role in safeguarding both partners’ interests. A… Read More »


Uncontested Divorces Generally Don’t Need a Discovery Phase

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While many Florida couples moving to end their marriages hope for an amicable resolution, the process can sometimes feel overwhelming. For example, if you are separating and considering divorce, it is likely friends and family will share their divorce experiences with you, and some of these people could share with you their accounts of… Read More »