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Recent Alimony Shifts and the 35% Rule

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Recently the state of Florida enacted changes to alimony laws, impacting how spousal support is determined and awarded in divorce proceedings. These reforms aim to streamline the alimony process and make it more equitable for both parties involved. The 2023 changes to spousal maintenance following a divorce represent a shift towards more temporary and… Read More »


Court Orders for Ultimate Decision-Making Authority

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When transitioning from spouses to coparents, a key issue parents face is determining how decisions regarding their child’s upbringing will be made post-divorce. It is important to know that even if you believe you should have ultimate decision-making authority, Florida courts generally favor a co-parenting model. Of course, there are circumstances where one parent… Read More »


What Makes a Collaborative Divorce Process Unique?

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When a couple decides a marriage is no longer working, they have various options when it comes to ending the union. One approach is a collaborative divorce process, which has gained popularity as it focuses on mutual respect, open communication, and cooperation. Talk to an Orlando family lawyer about where you are today and… Read More »


The Power of Constructive Communication and Mediation

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Divorce can be a challenging journey. For some, the process is fraught with emotional turmoil and uncertainty. While discussions may be strained when a marriage reaches a breaking point, it is also true that communication becomes paramount when drafting a divorce agreement. Constructive communication can smooth the path toward a peaceful resolution, allowing both… Read More »


Role of a Lawyer in an Uncontested Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

From ensuring legal compliance to facilitating communication, lawyers often play a vital role in helping couples achieve a fair and equitable divorce decree. This is important when couples are pursuing uncontested divorces, streamlined and amicable approaches to dissolving marriages. Even if you and your spouse are in general agreement on divorce terms, don’t dismiss… Read More »


Inherited Real Estate and FL Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Dividing assets, such as real estate, when divorcing can be stressful. There are a range of properties that may be assessed, and in cases where one or both spouses own inherited real estate, additional complexities may arise. To explore your options, talk to a skilled Orlando family lawyer about how inherited real estate is… Read More »


Required Documents for an Uncontested Divorce in Florida

By Donna Hung Law Group |

While they are more straightforward than contested divorces, uncontested marriage dissolutions still require attention to detail and thorough preparation. Understanding the necessary steps and documents involved can help you streamline the process and reduce stress. Reach out and have a conversation with an Orlando family lawyer to learn more. Steps and Required Documents In… Read More »


Top Benefits of Opting for an Uncontested Divorce

By Donna Hung Law Group |

When Floridians are ending a marriage, they do not have to move through an adversarial court process. There is a less contentious and more efficient option available, an uncontested divorce. There are numerous advantages of choosing an uncontested divorce in the Sunshine State. If you are interested in learning more about an uncontested marriage… Read More »


Spending Time with Kids Who Were Not Legally Adopted

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Often divorces are not just about separating spouses, ending a marital union often involves untangling complex familial relationships. Florida families come in all shapes and sizes, and a divorcing spouse may find themselves navigating the delicate terrain of maintaining relationships with children who they are not biologically related to and who they did not… Read More »


Misconceptions About Uncontested Divorces

By Donna Hung Law Group |

The thought of navigating the legal system while coping with the emotional toll of ending a marriage can be upsetting, but it is important to recognize that not all divorces are long, drawn-out battles in courtrooms. Uncontested divorces, a process that is often misunderstood and underestimated, can smooth the process. There are many myths… Read More »