Category Archives: Child Custody Visitation

Adjusting Child Custody Because a Parent is Ill
When a parent becomes ill, it can create significant challenges in a lot of different areas of life, including when it comes to child custody. Whether it’s a minor illness or a serious diagnosis, the health of a parent can impact their ability to care for their child, leading to potential adjustments in custody… Read More »

How to Communicate with Teens During a Divorce
When teenagers are part of a family unit and parents are considering a separation or divorce, the parents may have questions about how to share the news with their teen and how to help them adjust. If this is true for you, a seasoned Orlando family lawyer has the legal skills and access to… Read More »

5 Timesharing and Custody Mistakes to Avoid in Florida
In almost every divorce case involving children, the timesharing schedule tends to be the most complicated and disputed issue. Most courts in Orlando and other cities across Florida want children to spend as much time as possible with both parents following their divorce or separation unless one of the parents is deemed unfit or… Read More »

How to Prove That Your Ex-Spouse is an Unfit Parent in a Florida Child Custody Case?
In Florida, courts must determine whether both parents are fit to be parents before issuing a child custody order. A parent’s fitness plays a major role in custody cases in Orlando and elsewhere in Florida. If you believe that the other parent is unfit to be a parent following your divorce or separation, consult… Read More »

COVID-19: If Your Child Gets Sick, Can You Make Medical Decisions Without the Other Parent?
The coronavirus pandemic has made many divorced parents wonder, “Can I make medical decisions regarding my child’s health without consulting the other parent?” The answer depends on your current child custody arrangement. Types of Parental Responsibility and Decision-Making Typically, Florida courts recognize three parental responsibility options that impact the parents’ medical decision-making abilities: Shared… Read More »

COVID-19: Can a Parent Withhold Child Visitation if the Other Parent is a Frontline Responder?
Many of those on the front lines of the battle against the coronavirus disease, including doctors, nurses, and first responders, have children, and many of them are divorced parents. But can the other parent, who is not on the front lines, withhold child visitation or take your children away from you just because you… Read More »

A Quick Guide to Child Relocation for the Moving and Non-Moving Parents in Florida
Florida’s family law courts treat relocation rather seriously. In the Sunshine State, a parent with custody who wants to move a child more than 50 miles away for over 60 days must inform the other parent and obtain consent. If the other parent refused to give his or her consent, the relocating parent must… Read More »