Coping With A Combative Or Vindictive Ex During And Post-Divorce In Orlando

Divorce and fighting are synonymous aren’t they? While it is true that a draining or abusive relationship may lead to divorce, it does not mean that the divorce itself has to be a messy drama. But preventing an all-out battle is a two-way street. How do you deal with an ex who is vindictive or spiteful and intends to get even during divorce proceedings?
Unintended Consequences of Spite
Spiteful exes might resent the other party for filing for divorce or wanting to leave the marriage. They might resent having to play an active role in the lives of shared children now that the household is split up. They might also resent their own actions or what led to the divorce, such as infidelity. The spiteful ex might seem to harm the other party through whatever means necessary, including lying, manipulation, alienation, or abuse. Sometimes the spiteful ex will use parental alienation to poison the children against the other parent. They might make fake phone calls to child services or call the police claiming that a co-parent is abusive or neglectful to the children. This type of behavior is wrong and illegal and it should not be tolerated. If this behavior continues to occur, the co-parent should keep a written log of each incident and request an emergency court hearing to establish a pattern of abuse on the ex’s part. It is highly likely the court would side with the co-parent and that this behavior would affect the ex’s time with shared children.
How Do You Deal with a Vindictive Ex or Co-Parent
Coping with a vindictive ex is a struggle. This is extremely apparent if there is a history of abuse in the relationship and the plaintiff has indicated their wish to exit the relationship. This is often the most difficult and dangerous time of the relationship. If you are worried for your safety, you should seek help filing a restraining order against your ex for yourself and your children. You only need to prove that you are a person eligible for relief and have been abused or live in fear of abuse to receive assistance. This can be arranged in addition to filing for divorce. You may need to file a police report if your ex continues to make idle threats against you, your children or shared property.
Contact Orlando Divorce & Custody Attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group
Divorce is never easy. When collaborative divorce is out of the question because of a spiteful ex, understand that you are not alone. Our attorneys are standing by to help clients with emergency custody matters and we understand how trying a contentious divorce can be for everyone. We can help you identify strategies for coping and figure out next steps, including filing an emergency order if necessary. Do not let your ex attempt to bully or intimidate you. Reach out to our Orlando collaborative attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group today for help.