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Is Therapy A Prerequisite To Seeking Divorce In Orlando?


You caught your spouse of sixteen years cheating, and you have reason to suspect this was not the first time. They are remorseful now and promise that if you both go to couples therapy, you can work through the issues that led them to commit adultery in the first place. You know a divorce would be difficult and painful, but you also do not see how therapy can fix what your spouse has done. Should you give therapy a try before you speak to an Orlando divorce lawyer, or should you cut your losses? 

What are Your Goals?

If you and your spouse want to work through your issues and remain married, that is for you both to decide. Sometimes individual therapy for both spouses is more helpful at first to identify what issues are most important to you and also to identify coping mechanisms and strategies for collaborative communication. Proceeding with individual therapy first often leads to more productive couples therapy sessions. However, ultimately each partner will only take away what they are willing to get out of therapy. This means if one partner is adamant and refuses to admit to wrongdoing, or refuses to be open to change, that they likely will not benefit from therapy. If the parties have reached a stalemate or are unwilling to communicate openly to reach a common goal, therapy cannot fix it. And finally, there is no requirement to seek therapy prior to filing for divorce. This is especially true if one spouse has done something that simply cannot be forgiven. 

Know When to Say When 

If you are in an abusive relationship, whether the abuse is financial, physical, sexual or emotional, therapy will not fix those issues. If you are living in fear and are concerned that your spouse might escalate or if he or she is making threats against you or your children, you need to take action.  Our attorneys can help you file a domestic violence restraining order immediately if necessary. This offers you some protection and peace of mind while the divorce is litigated.

Many people mistakenly believe that filing a domestic violence restraining order will leave them without financial means to pay bills or keep the home, but this is not true. A judge can order the respondent (person accused of violence or abuse) to continue paying for maintenance of the family home (i.e. the mortgage, utilities, car payment, etc.) until a final restraining order is entered against them. A plaintiff can also file for pendente lite (limited divorce) until an absolute divorce is granted. 

Call Our Orlando Divorce Attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group

Deciding to file for divorce is a monumental decision, one that will change the trajectory of your entire life. It should not be made lightly. That being said, sometimes therapy only gives the abuser more leverage or tools to perpetuate abuse, or it might give one spouse false hope that issues can be resolved. If you are ready to move on and legally separate, contact our Orlando collaborative attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group. Divorce does not have to be messy, but it is also a fresh start for both parties. We can help you get through it. Call today to schedule a consultation.

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