Resolutions to Make During a Divorce to Smooth the Process

Ending a marriage is a challenging transition, and many going through the process report experiencing emotional upheaval and significant lifestyle changes. While it is important to recognize these challenges, divorce can also be an opportunity for growth, healing, and creating a better future.
When you hire a seasoned Orlando divorce lawyer, you are connecting with a professional who has witnessed countless divorces and the varying ways people navigate this journey. Because of this, your attorney has the ability to not only take care of legal paperwork but also to discuss with you some resolutions to help smooth the process and prioritize what truly matters to you.
Prioritizing What’s Important
During a divorce, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all of the small details and large lifestyle shifts, but making a resolution to prioritize what’s truly important can provide you with peace of mind and help you connect with a divorce agreement you are comfortable with moving forward.
Identifying your core values and goals for yourself and your family is part of the process. For instance, you will want to consider the following.
- Assessing your emotional health. Your well-being is paramount, so if you are having trouble accepting the marriage is coming to an end, you may benefit from seeking therapy or counseling. People often report that taking steps to practice self-care in order to manage stress and anxiety is also helpful.
- Reviewing your finances. Maintaining your finances and positioning yourself to be financially stable during and after the divorce is essential. Looking over your past household budgets and making plans for the coming months and years will assist in securing your future.
- Striving for an amicable agreement. Many experience disagreements while ending a union, but there are benefits to working toward a fair and equitable divorce settlement. The negotiation process is a path to protect your rights and interests while promoting an amicable resolution. While court is required in some situations, the process can be time consuming, expensive and upsetting. Striving for a more cooperative process could result in a more favorable outcome.
- Keeping children’s well-being in mind. If you and your soon-to-be-ex partner have children, your kid’s welfare should be at the top of your priority list. Focus on creating a stable and nurturing environment for them, and do what you can to avoid the turmoil of divorce.
Once you’ve prioritized what you want, you can take care of yourself while your attorney navigates the legal intricacies of divorce, such as property division, spousal support, and child custody.
Practicing Patience
Divorce can be a slow and emotionally draining process. Resolve to practice patience, both with yourself and the process. The solution you are seeking may take time, but when you inform an Orlando divorce lawyer of your long-term goals, they can work to obtain the future you want.
Is there a priority you have top of mind as you separate? Talk through your goals with the lawyers at Donna Hung Law. Call 407-999-0099 or contact us online to schedule an initial evaluation.