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Tag Archives: Florida Divorce Mediation


Strategies for Effective Divorce Mediation

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Hammering out the details of divorce is right up there in terms of emotional toll as the end of the marriage itself. However, the possible benefits of private settlement over court intervention are great, especially over the long-term. Mediation is one option divorcing couples frequently seek as an alternative to the highly-adversarial process of… Read More »

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How to Avoid Lengthy Divorce Mediation

By Donna Hung Law Group |

Resolving outstanding issues in an amicable fashion is one the largest challenges faced by divorcing couples. Traditional litigation is time consuming, expensive and offers little flexibility in the outcome. Another, less contentious option is mediation, a process that gives spouses more autonomy and space to find solutions that work well for their situation. Mediation… Read More »

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