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What Is Collaborative Divorce?


While ending a marriage is rarely easy, there are paths that are not adversarial and contentious. For example, Florida couples do have the option of pursuing a collaborative divorce, which is a more amicable and cooperative way to end a marriage.

Collaborative divorce offers a constructive alternative to the often acrimonious process of traditional divorce. If you believe a low-conflict divorce would be advantageous for you, share the details of your situation with an Orlando divorce lawyer.

Key Elements of Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative divorce is a process in which both spouses make the decision to work together, along with their respective attorneys, in order to resolve various issues surrounding the end of their union. So, unlike traditional divorce proceedings involving courtroom battles and litigation, collaborative divorce uses open communication, cooperation, and compromise to reach mutually agreeable solutions.

The following are essential for a collaborative divorce to be effective.

  • Voluntary participation. A collaborative divorce process is entirely voluntary, meaning both spouses must commit to the process and sign an agreement stating their intention to resolve issues outside of court.
  • Honest communication. In order to build an atmosphere of cooperation and trust, both parties need to agree to be transparent and open about their needs, concerns, and financial information.
  • Neutral professionals. While each spouse will have their own attorney, some collaborative divorces rely on other professionals as well, such as financial experts, mental health specialists, and child custody mediators.
  • Commitment to problem solving. It is important for both spouses to recognize that the focus of collaborative divorce is to create problem-solving solutions, there is not a winner or a loser. Instead, the couple ending the union work to design solutions that meet the needs of all involved.

There are many advantages to collaborative divorce. Negotiations are conducted in private, which means the public nature of traditional courtroom litigation can be avoided, and by fostering a cooperative atmosphere, collaboration often leads to less stress and emotional turmoil.

It is also true that collaborative divorces tend to be resolved more quickly, and while there are fees associated with collaborative divorce, it is often more cost-effective than litigation.

Situations Where Collaborative Divorce Is Not Suitable

In Florida, many couples have the opportunity to work together, with the help of experienced Orlando divorce lawyers, to reach mutually agreeable resolutions. That said, collaborative divorce may not be the best option in situations involving domestic violence, power imbalances, or when one spouse is uncooperative and unwilling to negotiate .

If you are ready to pursue a process that prioritizes communication, cooperation, and the well-being of all parties involved, collaborative divorce should be explored. It is a valuable option for couples seeking a more peaceful way to end their marriage.

Are you considering divorce and believe that an amicable and cooperative approach is possible? Collaborative divorce prioritizes communication, cooperation, and the well-being of the spouses and their children. Talk to the family law attorneys at Donna Hung Law about the possibility of collaboration in your unique circumstance. Call 407-999-0099 or contact us to book your fee-free consultation.

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