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Coping During An Orlando Divorce


Experiencing negative emotions and high levels of stress is common when a person is in the process of divorcing their spouse. Some are able to compartmentalize their feelings while others have difficulty performing daily tasks. Understanding that support is available can be helpful, along with prioritizing the need to recognize and cope with your emotions in order to move toward a secure future.

How to cope and care for yourself differs from person to person. While many feel a lot better when they share their emotional difficulties within the privacy of a support group or therapy session, others turn toward self-care, embracing journaling and exercise.

Hire an Orlando divorce lawyer early in the process, when possible. Then, you will have a professional seeing to all the legal details so you can focus on reducing your stress and bettering yourself.

Prioritizing Your Own Self-Care

Grieving the end of the marriage is part of the divorce process. After all, there have been numerous studies that have linked relationship loss to depression. Interpersonal loss from death, divorce, and other forms of relationship break-ups can be devastating for individuals, even when they knew the separation was coming. Acknowledging the anger and sadness can assist with healing.

While there is no one thing that will make everything instantly better, there are a handful of strategies that many report as being successful when coping during a divorce.

  • Focus on what you can control. There will be problems you are unable to fix or are outside of your influence. Accept that some things are simply out of your control and try not to dwell on issues that are out of your hands.
  • Get out and get moving. Individuals who already exercise may commit to a new goal, such as training for a half marathon. People who don’t regularly exercise benefit from starting a routine. Exercise releases frustration and boosts endorphins.
  • Do the things you love to do. Engaging in a hobby you once loved but didn’t have time for while you were married could help you cope with hard times, this could include reading books, taking photos on nature walks, or signing up for classes.
  • Stay away from bad habits. It is normal to be upset when a relationship you have invested a lot into comes to a close. Giving yourself permission to feel the emotions rather than trying to blunt them with alcohol or other unhealthy vices will benefit you long term.

Is emotional distress making it difficult for you to focus on divorce negotiations? Divorce can be incredibly difficult, but there are professionals who can guide you through the process and provide you with the skills and knowledge you need. To achieve your post-divorce objectives, connect with the seasoned family law attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group. Because our Florida family lawyers have extensive divorce experience, we can listen carefully to your goals and then fight to make those objectives a reality. When you are ready to secure the support you need, call 407-999-0099 or contact us online to schedule an initial evaluation.