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What is the Cost of a Collaborative Divorce in Florida?


Collaborative divorce offers many benefits to people looking to end their marriage. There are many reasons why partners opt for collaborative law over traditional methods of divorce. One of the most notable benefits of collaborative law is the ability to cut divorce costs.

How Much Does a Collaborative Divorce Cost?

In 2020, researchers estimated the average cost of a Florida divorce without children to be $13,500, or more than $20,000 if a divorce involves children. However, the cost of a collaborative divorce is usually much lower because partners can avoid many legal and court fees.

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell how much your collaborative divorce in Florida will cost. The total cost of a collaborative divorce depends on a multitude of factors, including but not limited to:

  • The number of contested issues;
  • The complexity of the issues;
  • Whether children are involved;
  • The skills and experience of the parties’ attorneys;
  • The length of the marriage; and
  • The parties’ willingness to cooperate to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is usually no way to predict how much a traditional divorce case will cost either.

The Cost of a Collaborative Divorce in Florida

When thinking about how much you would spend on your collaborative divorce, it is crucial to understand that the cost of divorce extends beyond money. Partners who wish to end their marriage need to keep in mind that getting divorced means losing a lot of their valuable time, not to mention that divorce is almost always an emotionally taxing experience.

A collaborative divorce can solve both issues: It is not as stressful and emotionally challenging as traditional litigation, and collaborative divorces are usually faster and less time-consuming. Even the Florida Statutes Section 61.55 defines a collaborative divorce as a “unique non-adversarial process” that preserves a relationship between the partners and “reduces the emotional and financial toll of litigation.”

That being said, the financial cost of a collaborative divorce varies from one couple to another, which is why it is important to consult with a skilled family lawyer to determine how much your divorce would cost you.

In most cases, the cost of a collaborative divorce in Florida depends on the parties’ ability to cooperate and compromise throughout the process to work toward an agreement.

Why a Collaborative Divorce is More Cost-Efficient Than Traditional Litigation

Usually, collaborative divorces are more cost-efficient than traditional divorce. A collaborative divorce makes more financial sense because it takes as little as a few months to finalize an agreement.

With traditional litigation, on the other hand, it could take from six months to more than a year to resolve a divorce case. Collaborative divorces are associated with reduced costs because couples can avoid or lower many of the legal, court, and attorney’s fees.

Still, the total cost of a collaborative divorce is highly unpredictable. However, in some cases, couples may benefit more if they opt for mediation instead of collaborative law. It is best to consult with a knowledgeable family lawyer to advise you on your legal options and help you limit the costs of your divorce. Schedule a consultation with our Orlando collaborative law attorneys at Donna Hung Law Group to discuss your case. Call at 407-999-0099.


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