Working Together Toward An Uncontested Divorce

Because divorce is never an easy process, it makes sense for couples to find efficient, fast divorce options appealing, and an uncontested divorce can save you and your spouse time and money. When an uncontested divorce is possible, both spouses will agree on all aspects of the divorce, including asset allocation and property division.
If you are seeking an uncontested divorce in Orlando, Florida, specifically because you are hoping to reduce the negative emotional and financial toll on everyone involved, discuss paths forward with an Orlando divorce lawyer. After an attorney compassionately listens to your post-divorce objectives, they will inform you on how to make your goals a reality. And if an uncontested divorce is possible, it will likely be a smooth process, one that is quicker and cheaper than a court dispute.
Steps to Pursuing an Orlando Uncontested Divorce
After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of an uncontested divorce with a legal professional, there are steps you will need to take to secure an uncontested divorce, if you and your spouse have decided this lower stress option will work for the two of you.
- You have to meet Florida residency requirements to be eligible for an Orlando uncontested divorce. This means either you or your spouse must have resided in the state of Florida for a minimum of six months before filing for divorce.
- The next step for a Florida uncontested divorce, assuming residency requirements are met, is filing with a local court for the dissolution of the marriage. This document will outline the terms of the divorce and must be signed by both parties.
- At a hearing, the divorce will be finalized. Before the terms you and your spouse have outlined will be approved by a judge, it will be reviewed to ensure the terms are equitable and fair.
When you work with a seasoned divorce lawyer, they can guide you through the process of developing a fair divorce agreement, one that will be easily approved by a judge at a final hearing.
If you want to pursue an uncontested divorce in Orlando, Florida, it is important to realize that there may be additional divorce term requirements, beyond asset allocation, depending on your unique situation. For example, if you have children, you will need to create a parenting plan that outlines how you and your spouse will be handling custody and what types of support payments will be in place.
Determining If Working Together Is Possible
To discuss if working with your spouse and agreeing to divorce terms is a reasonable path for you, share the facts of your situation with an Orlando divorce lawyer. When uncontested divorce is in reach, both parties can save resources while minimizing the stresses of the marriage ending.
What uncontested divorce questions do you have? Every situation is unique and needs to be assessed individually. To determine if an uncontested divorce is the right option for you and the future you want to achieve, connect with the family law attorneys at Donna Hung Law. Call 407-999-0099 or contact us online to schedule a fee-free initial evaluation.